United Chamber Advocacy Network


United Chamber Advocacy Network

The Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce is a proud member of the United Chamber Advocacy Network (UCAN). Our membership enables us to leverage more advocacy support for our business community.


Local chambers of commerce have a difficult time staffing and sustaining public policy and advocacy efforts, particularly at the state level. State and regional partners seldom provide sufficient capacity, tools and resources for local chambers to develop and advance an agenda directly aligned with the priorities of local chamber members themselves. Yet, the state of California continues to present significant barriers to the success of local businesses who consistently look to their local chamber to provide them with a voice.

UCAN provides local chambers of commerce with an affordable way to hire their own lobbyist to help chamber leaders define and advance a state level policy agenda of primary importance to their members.

Benefits of Membership that Get Passed on to Our Members:

State level lobbying services for local chambers of commerce

Organized regionally throughout California, beginning with the Sacramento region

A unified, constituent-driven voice of small business before the California State Legislature

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